Thank you for your interest in attending Cottam Primary School. We are exceptionally proud of our children, School and everything we achieve together as a Community.
Please enjoy reading the wealth of information on our website.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
As a maintained primary school Lancashire County Council administers our admissions and full details of the criteria and policy can be found on the LCC website:
In Reception
A child becomes eligible to join a Reception class if he or she is to turn five during the academic year 1st September to 31st August.
Places for Reception classes for all Lancashire Schools are allocated by the Local Authority.
Admission information is available from Cottam from September in the year before your child is due to attend. There are statutory rules, guidelines and deadlines for the application process – we are happy to explain and help in any way we can.
In the event that Cottam is oversubscribed, the Local Authority will use the County Admissions’ Policy to decide on which child is allocated to our school. An appeals procedure exists for those who are not offered places.
Children who are successful in gaining a place with us will be invited to an established induction process which begins around June prior to their September start. We will make visits to nurseries as part of our induction process and ‘home visits’ are available on request.
In Other Year Groups
All in-year admissions are now centrally managed by Lancashire County Council. If you are considering moving your child to our school then please contact Lancashire's Pupil Admissions Team. Information can be found below:
Tel: 01772-532109
Email: .
If a place is available then we request that you arrange to meet with the Headteacher so that you can visit the school and ensure that Cottam Primary is right for you and your child.
When a year group is full, admissions are only possible following a successful appeal hearing arranged by the Lancashire Education Authority.