Art & Design
Mrs R Harrison is the subject lead for Art & Design at Cottam.
At Cottam Primary School, we value the importance of Art. We have designed a curriculum for art with the intent that our children will, from the early years, develop a sense of creativity, self-expression, excellence and high attainment.
The aim of our art curriculum is to ensure that children’s own experiences will result in them being able to use the visual elements of art confidently, in their own work. It is our intent to provide all children with the fundamental skills, techniques and knowledge needed to independently to create their own unique drawings, paintings, sculptures, and crafts. We equip them with the skills required to learn about the language of art and design. This enables them to describe what they see in detail and to provide evidence for their observations.
We give the children the time and space to explore new themes, new sensations, and ways to be creative without the need to be perfect. At Cottam, we believe that the process takes precedence over the product. We want our children to see the enjoyment and satisfaction in the process of producing art. It is through the children’s personalised experience of art at Cottam, that we enable the children to feel safe, secure, and happy, to produce their most creative work.
Curriculum Map
The whole school celebrated art by exploring a carnival theme. Each class worked alongside a different year group. The children were given a subject ranging from clowns to lions. They worked in small groups using different media. Everyone started the day by sketching in their art books. The children had lots of fun getting creative and working together to talk about their ideas. They were very proud of the finished results!
Our carnival themed art day

Having fun during our January art day!
Reception classes have all enjoyed making snowflakes and snowmen. The children looked at different patterns on snowflakes and created their own designs using chalk, art straws, cotton buds and pieces of foam. They also enjoyed making snowman; drawing and cutting round shapes carefully.
Winter fun!
Year 2 linked their English work and art work. They shared the story "The Way Home for Wilf" and explored the landscapes in the story. The children also created their own landscapes using digital media. The results are very effective!
Year 1 linked their English unit of work to their Art. They had great fun making robots out of clay. The attention to detail was fantastic!
Clay robots by Year 1
Year 3 linked their History topic on The Egyptians to their art work. They explored different techniques to create their Egyptian faces.
Egyptian faces by YEAR 3
The whole school enjoyed a "draw along" session this morning by Access Art. The artist Rowan Briggs Smith showed us different mark making ideas. We all explored making marks using drawing pencils, pens and graphite sticks. She inspired us with a piece of art by Van Gogh, which led to us trying out lots of ways to fill our paper-dots, swirls, cross hatch, stipple, vertical lines. She told us how to hold our drawing tools in different ways to achieve different effects. We all had great fun-which was the most important thing of all!
Ruth Daniels
Reception classes shared the story Walking Through The Jungle and then looked at the work of the artist Ruth Daniels. They found out how Ruth likes to create and paint tropical, bright pictures with lots of flowers, plants and vibrant colours. The children worked together, on a large scale to produce their own interpretation of a "tropical scene." They used fabrics, cut out their own shapes and thought carefully about the position of each piece. The children then drew, painted and added pastels to their own version of a "Tropical Moment." We love all the bright colours!
Ruth Daniels inspired art work by Reception classes.
Our whole school celebrated World Art Day by working together and getting creative.
Each class worked with a different year group and our theme was “Nature all around us.”

From bees and honeycombs to dragonflies and butterflies, we sketched and created our own master pieces!
Creating spiders’ webs from branches and wool and making 3D insects was fun for Year 2 and 4!
Year 1 and 3 used newspapers to make creature collages. The rest of their class studied the detail on bugs. Their bugs sit proudly on the painted backgrounds!
World Art Day gallery
Drawing flowers-
Reception classes explored a range of drawing pencils and sketched flowers. They tested out 2B and 6B pencils and used them to draw the outline and detail of real flowers. The children looked carefully at the stems and petals before using the watercolour pencils to fill in detail and create different tones.
Flowers by Reception classes
Henri Rousseau Year 5
Richard Long Year 6
Year 4 Printing

The Reception classes had fun creating their own giant trees. This was linked to their topic work on the seasons. They selected their own materials and worked as a team to arrange them to making a seasonal tree.
Giant tree art-EYFS
PETER THORPE-space art.
Reception classes learnt all about the artist Peter Thorpe. They explored images of rockets and designed their own. They experimented with chalk pastels and used their designs to copy on black paper. We used circles to print planets around the rockets. They talked about the terms fill, colour, outline, pastels, shape and spaces.
Peter Thorpe art-EYFS
The Reception classes learnt all about the artist Mondrian. They learnt the name of the 3 primary colours and cut up strips of paper to create their own style of his work. They worked hard to cut, glue and arrange their strips of black paper. Their challenge was then to decide which blocks to paint!
Mondrian pictures-EYFS
In the summer term each class in school studied the work of the artist Andy Goldsworthy.
The gallery of photos show how his work and ideas inspired the children to explore environmental art ideas in natural forms. The children used the school grounds to find natural materials to form part of their designs and work.
The work included-
Land art challenges.
Balancing and stacking stones and slate.
Creating spiral designs.
Outlines and layers in nature.
Hanging sculptures.
Mark making in sand and mud.
Andy Goldsworthy class pictures.
Year 2 DRAWING UNIT-William Morris inspired designs.

Printing-Year 2
Year 1 Collage unit linked to dragons.

Year 5 Anglo Saxon collage work
Year 3 Digital media-bridges
Year 2 Textiles: landscapes.
Year 2 DRAWING Unit
Year 4 DRAWING Unit

Year 2 AFRICA DAY-Printing Unit.
Year 2 TEXTILES Unit
Year 6 Printing