Message from PTFA
Message from the PTFA
We would like to welcome you all to a new school year and to Cottam Primary School's Parent Teacher & Friends Association. All parents of children at the school become members of the PTFA, which exists to support and advance the education of all the pupils.
How do we support the children and the school?
The PTFA meets regularly to discuss and arrange a mixture of social and fund-raising activities throughout the school year. All money raised is used to enhance the experiences of children at Cottam Primary School.
What can a all parents do?
By joining in the activities of the PTFA you can find out more about how the school works and get to know other parents and staff at the school. You will also be enhancing the facilities, fundraising for extra resources and helping the pupils to receive a richer education. There’s also a definite possibility of having fun and making friends at the same time. Some members come regularly to meetings, others offer help for functions, whilst others may not have so much time to offer but make donations to appeals for raffle and tombola prizes.
All help is gratefully received.
If you would like to join us please contact us at:-
Don't forget to find us on Facebook 'Cottam Primary School PTFA'
Becoming an active member is a good way to get really involved with your child’s school and make a difference.