We all had lots of fun taking part in the bikeability sessions! The teachers brought some balance bikes and we learned how to balance and move the bikes with our feet on the ground. Then we learned how to glide! This was great! We know that we must always wear a helmet when we ride a bike to keep our heads safe.
China Day!
We had a fabulous day learning all about China and Chinese New Year. We got in our planes and 'flew' to China! We found China on a map, compared the Chinese flag to the Union Jack, tasted some Chinese food, made some dragons and even learned how to say hello in Chinese! We also celebrated Chinese New Year by doing our own dragon dances.
Winter Fun!
Lots of the children were interested in Winter so we had a week of Winter activities! We found out all about what the weather is like, what clothes we wear and what animals we might see. We made some super snowflakes, made winter wonderlands and had lots of fun playing outside in the snow and ice! We wrote our names in the snow, pushed the snow, made winter dens and investigated ice. We even had to think of ways to rescue some animals that were trapped in the ice!
Christmas Lunch and Party Day!
What a fun day we had! Making baubles, dancing and playing pass the parcel in the morning, with a surprise visit from Father Christmas! A delicious Christmas lunch and then lots of party games in the afternoon!
Our first welly walk!
For our first welly walk, we explored the school grounds! We had lots of objects to spot so we walked round the Year 1/2 playground, the junior playground and the field to try and find them. We were very excited because our Year 5 buddies came with us too and they helped us find all the objects on our list. We found leaves, a bare tree, red berries, holly, nettles, a squirrel and we even spotted a robin!
The Wriggly Nativity!
Our first Nativity was fantastic - we spoke with loud voices and sang beautifully!
Our trip to Little Lancashire Village!
We went on our first trip to Little Lancashire Village! It was very exciting to go on a coach - some of us had never been on one before. We had lots of fun exploring all the different areas and acting out lots of different roles. We loved being mechanics, hairdressers, shop assistants, pilots, vets and dentists. We even had a go at working in a launderette, coffee shop and pizzeria!
Beep Beep Day!
As part of National Road Safety week, we had our own 'beep beep day'! We spent the day learning how to keep safe when we are crossing the road. We found out how to find a safe place to cross, that we must always hold our grown ups hand and how important it is to walk across a road. We made traffic lights and everyone did a handprint to show our grown ups the importance of holding hands! We know 4 important words - STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK.
Remembrance Day
We learned what Remembrance Day is and why we wear a poppy. The children made lots of poppies and we also took part in the 2 minute silence. Everyone was very respectful.
Meeting our buddies!
We had a very exciting afternoon meeting our buddies from Year 5. They came to our classroom and read us lots of stories. We loved chatting to them!
India Day!
We had a 'travelling Tuesday' and 'flew' to India. We learned that India is a very big country far away from England! We found India on a map, looked at the flag, saw some animals that live in India, saw some special clothes and learned all about Diwali.
Our day was full of activities - we made a diya pot, the Indian flag, made a rangoli and Mehndi pattern, created the Taj Mahal out of blocks, got our home corner ready for Diwali, tasted some Indian food, and we even did some Indian dancing!
The children looked amazing in their costumes and we had a super spooky day! We read the story 'Pumpkin Soup', practised our cutting and folding skills to make a skeleton, created our own pumpkins from paper and playdough and even explored real pumpkins!
Habitats - A Jungle
Some of the children have shown an interest in where animals live so we introduced some new learning about habitats with a week on Jungles! The children found out what the word 'habitat' means and after looking at some pictures of jungles, they thought of some interesting questions - what is the weather like in a jungle? What animals live in the jungle? What do the animals use the big leaves for? We did lots of investigating and found the answers! We loved learning new words too - protect, shelter and carnivore. The children used their new learning to create jungle scenes inside and outside the classroom!
We have been learning all about Autumn! We know that this is when the leaves change colour and fall off the trees. We have noticed that the weather changes too and we need to wear our coats! We have loved searching for Autumn leaves in our outside area and using them to make leaf rubbings, Autumn crowns and even an Autumn mobile! We have also used our senses to investigate other Autumn objects - pine cones, conkers and acorns.
European Languages Day.
To celebrate European Languages Day, we 'travelled' to France! We boarded our 'plane', found our seats, put on our seat belts and flew across the English Channel with our pilots Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Wadley! We found France on a map and learned that the capital city is Paris. Some of us have been to Paris! We looked at the shapes and colours on the flag and even watched a video about The Eiffel Tower. We had fun making flags, creating The Eiffel Tower, learning some French words and eating pain au chocolat!
I wonder where we will travel to next?
Our first two weeks at school!
We had so much fun making new friends and exploring all the exciting things in our classroom! Look at the photos below to see us having lots of fun!